Table 38: Grove of Trees 2

Abstract ladscape scene of a grove of trees.

TITLE: Grove of Trees 2
11" x 14" on Strathmore Heavyweight Mixed Media paper. Watercolor, colored ink, acrylic paint, pen, pencil, and collage elements.

This work has been sold.

I'm completely OBSESSED with making groves of trees with trunks cut from pages of books! I'll get it out of my system someday, but meanwhile there's this. I usually do not like anything that I make after it is done... I just enjoy the process, you see... but I immediately liked this one! It's the view from my backyard where all that separates my house and the family farm behind me is a small grove of trees. It is currently handing in my studio but I've also listed it in my Etsy store. It needs a better home where it can be seen by more people.

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